- Littlesproutslearningcenter.net
- Hours of Operation: 6:30am to 6:00pm Monday through Friday
- Serving Ages 6 Weeks to 6 Years Old
Educational Philosophy
Our aspiration at Little Sprouts Learning Center is to care for, teach and nurture a child’s body, mind and heart. We provide an environment where children can (1) develop an awareness of taking care of themselves by eating healthy, organic food (2) exercise their bodies in fun, safe and creative ways and (3) care for others and appreciate our earth. We strive to challenge their minds with a creative curriculum where they can learn by exploring the world around them. Our classrooms are “no-fail zones,” allowing kids to try things without fear of failing. And we provide centers that encourage social interaction. We nurture their hearts by providing a safe and loving environment lled with the highest quality teachers who have a true passion for children. Our goal is to provide a home-like environment for children that is comfortable and stress-free so their focus can be on learning and building memories — we are committed to growing the whole child. A large part of our focus is on connecting the child with nature; through gardening with the children, interacting with animals and providing opportunities to explore our world. We garden each summer with the children and they consume the vegetables they planted and nurtured, supported by local vendors and community members. Our animals help the children learn about the importance and responsibilities of caring for and nurturing those that depend upon us. We promote activities and learning environments (e.g. nature classrooms) where children can interact with and develop an appreciation for the wonders and beauty of the nature that surrounds them. Outdoor classrooms serve as extensions of their indoor environments.
Our curriculum is unique to our school as it combines elements from many other philosophies. We are geared toward emergent process curriculums. This is similar to Montessori and Reggio Emilia philosophies, which encourage children to determine their own interests. The teachers observe the children, document their passions and try to build a curriculum around those interests. Our teachers post their lesson plans to provide information for parents about the monthly project and particular focus areas. We believe that educating parents about our topics of discussion with children helps parents nurture childhood passions. We believe in the therapeutic benets provided by regular access to nature and animals. Studies show that access to nature and animals fosters healthy brain development. As a result, we keep animals on site for interaction, observation, study and discussion. We plant inside and outside in the spring and encourage children to interact with their natural environment. Our teachers nd inspiration from nature-based training and Nature Explore. In developing interactive education for our school, we focus on natural elements that allow children to explore without the overstimulation that can result from technology. We align with state standards and developmental milestones for children as we work with children on language development, literacy/language, science, math, social/emotional development and other topics
Enrollment Procedures
Our enrollment process begins by inviting you in for a tour to see our school, meet our teachers, and review our curriculum. Following that, if you feel that our school is a right t for your child, you may register your child to save a spot. You will be provided an enrollment packet which contains the information and forms to be completed. The packet must be completed and returned prior to or on your child’s rst day of care, except for the physical evaluation which must be completed within thirty (30) days of enrollment.
After you enroll, you will download an app called Procare Connect. Once your child is active at Little Sprouts, you will receive a "welcome email" from the center. This is where you will receive all parent communication about your child's day, including diaper changes, meals and activity notes. Teachers may also upload photos and send messages through this app.
Please provide the following items on your child’s first day:
- Changes of clothing in case of accidents
- Items from the supply list located on our website
- A large shirt to be used during art, science, nature and other messy projects
- Crib sheet and blanket for naptime (for children who one and older)
- Sunscreen
- Water bottle
Parent/Staff Conferences
We offer parent-staff conferences twice a year. These conferences are provided to inform parents on how their child is doing both behaviorally and academically, to discuss progress,as well as social and physical needs. This is also a chance for the parents to ask questions. Teachers do not always have time to discuss issues with parents at pick up or drop off, so parents are always welcome to ask for an additional meeting by scheduling time with the front desk.
Transition Policies
When children are getting ready to transition into the next classroom, we will provide the parents with a written notice of the transition. This provides details on where the children will be moving to and who their new teachers will be. We encourage parents to stop by and meet the teacher and introduce themselves. We attempt to make the transition easier by starting with a couple hours a day or a couple days a week and getting them used to the new teacher and classroom. After a week or two, we will transition them permanently. We offer specific family meetings that give parents time to prepare for transitions and to answer any questions.
Language Barriers
In the event that we have a child whose primary language is not English, we do our best to offer some form of translation for the child and/or parent. We have a Spanish-speaking teacher on staff who helps us with our Spanish-speaking families. The majority of our paperwork can be printed in Spanish; however, if the need arises for another language, we will make every effort to provide information in the needed language. We also strive to support home language and culture, and we welcome parents’ suggestions about the ways that they might bring that language and experience into the classroom for all children to enjoy.
Language Barriers
In the event that we have a child whose primary language is not English, we do our best to offer some form of translation for the child and/or parent. We have a Spanish-speaking teacher on staff who helps us with our Spanish-speaking families. The majority of our paperwork can be printed in Spanish; however, if the need arises for another language, we will make every effort to provide information in the needed language. We also strive to support home language and culture, and we welcome parents’ suggestions about the ways that they might bring that language and experience into the classroom for all children to enjoy.
Weather / Outdoor Sunscreen and Clothing Policy
Weather permitting, we make every attempt to spend time outside daily. We ensure that children are dressed appropriately for the conditions. During the summer months, we will ensure that sunscreen has been applied to the children’s exposed skin prior to playing outside. Sunscreen must/can be applied in the following manners:
- Parents must provide sunscreen, labeled with the child’s first and last name. We encourage you to provide an extra so that your child does not run out!
- We ask that parents apply sunscreen to children before they arrive at school.
Parents may send sun-blocking hats and sunglasses.
In the afternoon, we will reapply sunscreen provided by the parent or guardian.
- Another form of parent or guardian approved sun protection can be used (i.e., a long sleeved UV-rated shirt, UV-rated lip balm, etc.).
- Children over 4 years of age may apply sunscreen to themselves under the direct supervision of a staff member.
In Colorado, our weather changes drastically on a moment’s notice. As a result, please bring extra clothing and shoes for the weather you expect and the weather that surprises us all!
Excessively hot/cold weather will be monitored by the management (reference the Child Care Weather Watch information at http://www.c-uphd.org/documents/wellness/weatherwatch.pdf for more information). Outside exposure will be limited on these days.
During the summer months, we will follow the heat index chart to determine the safe amount of time to be outside. The children will not go when the temperature is higher than 90 degrees.
We will make every attempt to go outside, even when the weather is colder. We will follow the wind-chill factor chart to determine the safe amount of time to be outside. Please send your child with boots, coat, hat and gloves and PLEASE LABEL everything with first and last name. Outdoor time and the resulting exchange of air is important for children and allows them to appreciate a variety of weather patterns.
Snow Day Policy
In the event that the weather significantly deteriorates throughout the day, please come as soon as it is safely possible — your child will be well cared for until you arrive. Weather-related closures or delays will be posted on our Facebook page, KKTV, KidReports and FlashAlert News. We will make every attempt to open and will not follow school district closures. Tuition is not adjusted for a weather delay or school closure.
Control of Communicable Disease
When it is reported to the school that a child was diagnosed with a communicable illness such as hepatitis, measles, mumps, meningitis, diphtheria, rubella, salmonella, tuberculosis, giardia, or shigella, we will notify the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) in accordance with Colorado law, staff members and parents or guardians of children in our care. We will at all times follow the CDPHE Infectious Disease in Child Care and School Settings (reference https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/sites/default/files/DC_ComDis-Infectious-Diseases-in-Child-Care-and-S chool-Settings.pdf ). Please understand this is in place to keep your child, the other children and our staff as healthy as possible. The child’s confidentiality will be maintained as much as possible. The child will be excluded from Little Sprouts for the period of time prescribed by the child’s doctor or in accordance with the CDPHE recommendations. A doctor’s note to return to school will be required for the child’s health file.
We accept children into care that may be exempt from some or all immunizations. Be advised that your children may be in contact with children who are not fully immunized. If your child is immunized, the current immunization records are due before enrollment or on the first day of enrollment and must be updated as required. If your child is not immunized, you must provide the required exemption form required by the Colorado Department of Human Services, Exemptions include medical, personal (non-medical) and religious. A form will be provided to you if your doctor’s form does not comply.
Illness Policy
In the event that your child becomes ill and needs to leave care, you will be asked to pick up your child within one hour. If your child is injured and requires medical attention, you will be notified as soon as possible. If immediate care is needed, the school will call 911. Other emergencies will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Generally, if a parent does not answer and the incident is not an emergency, we may wait a reasonable time and call parents several times before reaching out to emergency contacts. If the child requires urgent care, but not “911” intervention, we will call emergency contacts, if parents are not responsive. We will follow the State of Colorado School Sickness policy at all times. If the child has a temperature of 100.4 degrees, we must send them home. Children will also be sent home with a low-grade fever that presents with other symptoms (excessive discharge from the eyes, nose or a wound, vomiting, diarrhea, a change in energy level that indicates lethargy, etc.). ALL children sent home must have a doctor’s note stating the child is well enough to return and not contagious to others. This policy is an attempt to keep everyone healthy — both children and staff.
Additional details about exclusion of children from care are available in the illness policy in the enrollment packet.
Children need to be free of fever, diarrhea or other symptoms for 24 hours before they can return to care. If your child has been put on antibiotics, they will need to wait 24 hours before returning. We reserve the right to request a statement from the child’s health care provider.
Accident and Incident Form
Children who are two and under receive daily updates on activities and incidents. All children receive accident and/or incident reports when an injury or incident occurs. Report forms are signed by an administrator, teacher and parent, sent through KidReports and maintained in the child’s file. We strive to have a detailed report available at the end of the day, but if the incident occurs late in the day, it may not be ready until the following morning.
Biting Policy
The school recognizes that biting is a developmentally appropriate behavior for children in the infant through 2-year-old classrooms.
Parents with children in these classrooms should expect that their children may be bitten, or may bite another child. The staff understands that parents are concerned and can be upset when their child is involved in a biting incident. We ask that you remember this is a developmentally appropriate behavior, and that the staff is working to identify situations which provoke or elicit this behavior, so it can be prevented in the future. In the younger classrooms, the staff will simply redirect the children to different activities in separate areas of the classroom. Parents are expected to work with staff to identify methods and strategies to curb this behavior.
Children older than 3 years of age may occasionally be involved in a biting incident. For children in this age group who bite, staff will use the guidance procedures outlined in the discipline section of this handbook, as well as observe the child to determine what provokes or elicits this inappropriate behavior. Parents are expected to cooperate with staff to help their child control this behavior.
Parents will be notified by incident/accident report that a biting incident occurred during the course of the day. Staff may not discuss with either parent the identity of the other child involved in the incident. This information is considered to be confidential and may not be disclosed.
Staff cannot discuss the medical history of any child involved in a biting incident with the other party. It is recommended that a child involved in a biting incident be seen by their family physician if the parents are concerned about communicable diseases possibly resulting from the biting incident.
Medication Policy
Prescription and non-prescription (over-the-counter) medications for the eyes or ears, all oral medications, topical medications, inhaled medications, and emergency injections can be administered only with a written order from a person with a prescriptive authority and written parent consent. All medications must be in their original bottle. Medications are kept in the front office unless they are emergency medications such as Epi-pens, which may be kept in the classroom. We can administer many medications for chronic health conditions or emergency situations in accordance with Section 12-38-132 of the Nurse Practice Act. Do not deliver medications to the classroom, as they are hazards and must be stored and administered with great care. Please do not leave medications in diaper bags.
Americans with Disabilities Act
In accordance with Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the School will not discriminate against any child on the basis of disability. The School will make reasonable modifications in policies, practices or procedures when such modifications are necessary to afford its services and facilities to individuals with disabilities, unless such modifications will fundamentally alter the nature of its services. Together with parents and medical professionals, the School will evaluate all children with special needs on a case-by-case basis to determine reasonable accommodations.
The School will not exclude any individual with a disability from the School unless the individual poses a direct threat to the health or safety of themselves or others that cannot be eliminated by a modification of policies, procedures or by the provision of auxiliary aids and services. Requests for reasonable accommodations should be directed to the School Director and/or the Owner.
Americans with Disabilities Act
Upon enrollment, we will need a copy of the Individualized Health Care Plan (IHCP) so that we can review it with our nurse consultant and implement the needs in the classroom. The IHCP may provide stipulations that deviate from the licensing requirements (e.g. swaddling, feeding using a propped bottle, etc.). The IHCP must have the following:
- Medication schedule
- Nutrition and feeding instructions
- Medical equipment or adaptive devices, including instructions
- Medical emergency instructions
- Toileting and personal hygiene instructions.
The School will also require written instructions for providing services from the parents or guardians and the health care provider. If the child does not have an existing IHCP, then one will need to be established within 30 days of the child’s enrollment. The plan must be updated every 12 months from the date of the initial plan or as changes occur. Our School will inform our health care consultant immediately so that staff can receive training and provide the support as indicated by the child’s IHCP.
Child Pick-Up/Drop-Off Policy & Late Pickup Policy
The school hours of operation are from 6:30 am to 6:00 pm. Staff will be in the building before we open to prepare the school. Staff are not allowed to accept any children until we open. Staff are also not able to allow anyone in the building prior to 6:30 am.
Colorado regulations require us to maintain certain student/staff ratios. We ask that if you will be bringing your child outside of their regularly scheduled times, you call as soon as possible at 719-594-2011 to let us know, so that we can ensure compliance. Preschool children should be checked in by 9 am, as preschool starts promptly at 9 am. This will help ensure that we have the proper staff available to care for your child. In the unlikely event we are unable to maintain a ratio with your child in our care, we may ask you to stay until we can transition children to other classrooms or until another teacher arrives. This 9 am policy is necessary for maintaining ratios and ensuring routine and continuity in the classroom.
All parents will be responsible for checking their child(ren) in and out every day at the front computer. Parents must also confirm with their classroom teacher that the teacher is aware that the child has been added to the room. Children will be released only to persons listed on their enrollment form. Anyone not known to the provider will be asked to provide an ID. If you have an emergency and need someone not listed on the enrollment form to pick up your child, you must call and give written authorization (email is fine). That person will need to show a photo ID. If someone attempts to pick up your child and they are not authorized, 911 will be called.
If you or any other person arrives to pick up a child and appear to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, we will encourage you to let us call someone to come get you. If you leave with your child we must report the incident. This may include notification of the local county department of social services as well as the police, if necessary.
We are not approved for overnight care and we cannot keep children past 6 pm. In the event you are unable to pick your child up on time, please contact the school immediately. If we do not hear from parents in a timely way, we will begin to call the emergency contacts that you provided during enrollment. If no one can be located within 30 minutes, we will contact local authorities/social services to pick up your child. We will offer your child a snack and drink while they wait for someone. There is a late pickup fee of $5 per minute per child. This late fee must be paid in cash immediately. If the payment is not paid immediately, care will be suspended. The option to pay the extra fee is not a service to use as convenience; a late payment should be a one-time occurrence. Please be sure to call the school immediately if you feel you may be late for any reason.
Parents’ Right To Immediate Access
Parents of a child in our care are entitled to immediate access, without prior notice, to their child whenever they are in care at the school, as provided by law.
In cases where the child is the subject of a court order (e.g., Custody Order, Restraining Order, or Protection from Abuse Order), the school must be provided with a certified copy of the most recent order and all amendments thereto. The orders of the court will be strictly followed.
If conflicting court orders are presented, the most recently dated court order will be followed. In the absence of a signed court order on file with the school, both parents shall be afforded equal access to their child as stipulated by law. The school cannot — without a court order — limit the access of one parent by request of the other parent, regardless of the reason. If a situation presents itself where one parent does not want the other parent to have access to their child, the school suggests that the parent keep the child with them until a court order is issued. Our rights to retain your child are secondary to the other parent’s right to immediate access. Staff will contact the local police should a conflict arise.
Once presented with a Protection from Abuse Order or a Restraining Order, the school is obligated to follow the order for the entire period it is in effect. Employees of the school cannot, at the request of anyone — except the issuing judge — allow a Protection from Abuse Order and/or a Restraining Order to be violated. The school will report any violations of these orders to the court. Should we become aware of a Protection from Abuse or a Restraining Order, we will insist upon the protecting party serving the local police department with a certied copy of the order if they have not already done so. Very often the Parent protected by the Order will serve the police department where they live and work, but will forget about the police department in the jurisdiction where the school is located
Holidays and Vacation Policy
Our closed Holidays are as follows:
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King Day (Staff training day)
- President’s Day (Staff training day)
- Memorial Day
- 4th of July
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Day following Thanksgiving
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Day
If the holidays above fall on a Saturday or Sunday, we will be closed the Friday before or the following Monday. After your child has been enrolled for 3 months, you are eligible for 2 weeks vacation based on the child’s schedule. The first week is free and the second week is half price. This is renewed each year on your anniversary date. The week is based on individual students’ schedules and generally cannot be used in a split week because we bill weekly. This vacation time may not be used in lieu of our 2-week notice for withdrawing from Little Sprouts Learning Center. Vacation days are built into the tuition rates and no discounts will be given unless you choose to use a vacation credit. If you disenroll, your vacation credit will be based on your new enrollment rate.
There is a registration fee of $150 for the first child and $75 off for each additional child due with the initial registration and then annually charged in November. Rates are subject to increase annually (based on calendar, not anniversary date). Tuition and other fees are outlined in the school’s Financial Agreement.
Payment Policy
As described in more detail in the school’s Financial Agreement, we calculate the amounts owed by taking the weekly rate, multiplying it by 52 weeks and dividing it by 12 months. We may offer a discount if you pay monthly by the 3rd of each month. If you pay weekly or bi-weekly, your payments will vary. Payment must be received by 6:00 pm Friday for the upcoming week. Late fees automatically apply to your account on Friday at 6pm if the account is not current. Care will be suspended if payment and late fees are not received by drop off Monday. The late fee is $30.00.
Supervision of Children
Children will be under the direct care of their teachers at all times. We use a “Name to Face” accountability tool to track the children when they transition outside, arrive and depart. Classrooms track attendance through KidReports. Child counts are conducted every half hour by the teachers. Children will never be unattended when they go outside, use the restroom or during transitions. The children will always be in full sight and sound of qualified teachers.
When you are entering and exiting the building, until you check a child into his/her classroom, you are responsible for the direct supervision of your child. Please keep them with you at all times. Parents must accompany children in and out and may not send children into the school on their own.
In some instances, parents may view classrooms from the cameras in the front office. Our cameras do not offer online access to your child.
Primary Caregiving Practices
LIttle Sprouts participates, to the extent possible, in primary caregiving practices where each child is to be cared for by the same teacher on a daily basis to promote consistency in the child’s experience. This also offers opportunities for parents and teachers to develop strong relationships and efficient communication. On occasion when a regular staff cannot be present, every effort will be made to ensure a consistent substitute will be placed in the classroom.
Safe Sleep Policy
It is state policy that infants must be placed on their backs without blankets and with a fitted sheet.. We can put infants in sleep sacks if the parents provide them. All staff members are trained in safe sleep practices before being allowed to work in the infant room and all safe sleep policies and procedures are followed in the infant room. If your child requires an alternative sleep position, an IHCP will be required. Forms are available in the front office. Children may not be dropped off sleeping in a car seat. They must be transferred to a bed or cot. If your child falls asleep in an unapproved area, they will be transferred to a crib or cot for their own safety.
Missing Child
If a child is missing, staff will immediately conduct a name-to-face count for all children in their classrooms to confirm that no children have been accepted into another group. If this does not locate the child, a staff member will search the building — common areas inside and outside. If a child is missing for longer than 5 minutes, we will call 911, notify CSPD, the parents/guardians and department of human services.
Emergency Procedures
If there is an emergency like a fire, flood, tornado or other emergency, we will guide the children to safety, take our evacuation kits, and notify each parent by phone as soon as possible. We will also use KidReports and our Facebook page, as we are able. Please keep your contact information updated for this reason.
In the event that we have an emergency that causes evacuation, teachers will begin to call parents to notify them of a relocation as soon as it is safe and they are able to do so. If you arrive at the school and no one is there due to an emergency, we will be at the King Soopers at 6930 N. Academy Blvd. If that location is not safe, the backup location is Sam’s Club at 1850 E Woodmen Rd, When parents arrive at the relocation space, staff will check identification and release children to parents as quickly as possible. Please understand that accounting for all children is critical and processes may cause delays.
For emergencies that require us to take shelter in the school, like a shooter on site, children will remain in their classrooms and out of direct sight. In some circumstances, children will be moved into a bathroom or other windowless area. In others — a nearby, off-site threat — children will not be allowed outside for playground time and will be directed away from windows.
The front entry is secure and always locked. Classroom doors do not lock. To ensure that our perimeter is secure, we ask parents to refrain from holding open the door for others. Politeness is an important value, but we must take care to keep our secure entry locked.
A detailed disaster and emergency plan is available in the front office and parents are welcome to view it at their convenience.
Children with disabilities are included in emergency plans and will be provided with appropriate assistance.
Our staff is trained in CPR, First Aid and standard precautions upon hire. First aid kits and fire extinguishers are stationed in every room, outside, kitchen and in the offices. We also receive Federal Emergency Management Agency disaster training.
Our school will conduct a monthly fire drill. During the year, we are also required to practice other drills such as tornado, lockdowns and shelter in place. In the event of an emergency, we will evacuate the children to a safe area and we will have an evacuation crib to evacuate the infants. All teachers will have the emergency contacts to notify parents for extended evacuations. Drills are posted on our licensing/parent board in the front hallway.
Transportation Policy
Any time a child is transported from the school, parents will be asked to sign a permission slip. If we transport the children on a field trip, they will use their own booster seats, if parents request. Children must sit and will use seat belts. Before using the vehicle for the first time, children will drill evacuating in the event of an emergency. We cannot have parents drive the children in personal vehicles or ride in the van, but parents are welcome to meet us on the field trip. Staffing, including ratio, group size and qualified staff, will be maintained during field trips. Drivers are qualified according to Colorado law. On field trips, drivers do not stop to run errands or gas up unless there is an emergency. Each van has its own emergency first aid kit, and staff bring emergency binders with class rosters and emergency contact information on each field trip.
Field Trips
Our school will occasionally take field trips. Younger children may go on walks. Older children may go on f ield trips to various destinations in our community. Parents may be asked to provide their child with a sack lunch and money to cover costs of the event. If you do not want your child to attend, you will need to make alternate arrangements for their care that day. If you arrive after the field trip has left the building, your child will be placed in a classroom if one is available, but if one is not available, you may have to take your child home. A signed permission slip is required for your child to attend.
A permission slip will be provided for any out-of-school field trips. Any child that does not have a signed permission slip will be unable to attend. The permission slip will include: destination, time out of school, teachers and a spot to indicate if you are interested in helping.
Guidance Policy
We strive to cultivate positive child, staff and family relationships. We involve parents and our community in our programs as much as we are able. To create and maintain a socially, emotionally respectful learning and care environment, we implement teaching strategies supporting positive behavior, pro-social peer interaction, and overall social and emotional competence in young children. We have developed guidance policies that are designed to provide individual support, including training on and implementation of the “Pyramid Plus” curriculum strategies. Children who are too young to understand natural consequences will be redirected to an acceptable activity. Older children will be given choices that clearly explain the consequences of their actions. Time outs are not used, but children are encouraged to leave the activity or group that is contributing to the unwanted behavior. We focus on “term-positive” praising and rewarding children doing something “right” and celebrate their good choices. When older children make poor decisions, we will give reasons to help them understand why a choice was not appropriate. We take these steps to reduce challenging behavior, suspensions and expulsions. At no time will anyone employed for Little Sprouts Learning Center be verbally abusive, bite, hit, pinch, punish with food, embarrass a child in shame, or use any form of corporal punishment. Guidance/discipline will not also be associated with any form of food, rest, or toilet needs. A guidance plan may be created by the school on an individual basis for a child showing challenging behaviors. When creating a guidance plan, the director, parents and teachers may be involved. Meetings or phone calls will be scheduled as appropriate. That discussion will allow staff to identify concerning behaviors, ask for parent input as to potential causes and information about any observations they have made, and will result in development of an individual plan with goals, resources, and the responsibilities of all involved. If a safety issue is implicated, parents may be required to pick up their child from the school. The school will do what it can to offer resources and referrals to agencies and organizations that may be of assistance to the child and the family, including early childhood mental health consultants and other specialists.
Parental Disenrollment Policy
Two-week notice required! If you should have to disenroll for any reason, please give a two-week notice. Your account will be charged the two weeks’ tuition and your vacation time is not able to be applied during your two-week notice. The notice must be given in writing.
Professional Development
All staff must complete a minimum of 15 clock hours of professional development each year. The training must relate in the following areas – child development, health and safety environments, developmentally appropriate practices, guidance, family relationships, cultural and individual diversity and professionalism. In addition, staff complete CPR, first aid and standard precautions (adult child), as required. Infant staff take additional training concerning the care of infants. Staff education is reviewed by the School and Child Care Licensing and they undergo detailed background checks. Additional training and professional development include nature curriculum training and support for teachers’ ongoing coursework in Early Childhood Education.
Personal Belongings
Each child has a storage bin that they can leave extra clothes and supplies in. Please do not send your child with money, electronics or something so valuable that it cannot be replaced. Little Sprouts Learning Center will not be financially responsible for any valuables sent to school. We will have “Show and Tell” on occasion. Those items may be left in the cubbies until show and tell time. Many items look similar, so those items should be labeled with the child’s first and last name. Items must be approved by teachers in advance to ensure that they are not hazards. Items must fit in the cubbie; large items may not be brought in. Items may be brought in in a backpack or tote bag.
Media Permission/Photo Permission Form
Parents need to give written permission for their child to watch movies. We watch G-rated movies on a rare basis and they are of an educational nature only. Children will not watch a show for more than 30 minutes, except for the special occasion movie. We do not play any video games, but do listen to children’s and classical music. Some of the older classrooms have “listening centers” to allow them to listen to books on tape. We will take pictures of the children during activities and while learning. We use these only for classroom projects. Media and photography forms must be signed for us to be able to publish your child’s photograph in newsletters, on Facebook, etc, and are included in the admission packet.
Meals & Snacks
Meals and nutritious snacks will be served at the following times: Breakfast is served from 7:30-8:30 am, lunch from 11 am-noon and afternoon snack at 3 pm. Our meals are served family-style. If your child is not here at those times, they will miss the meal. Food served will be organic and nutritious, including the milk. Due to allergies and sensitivities, our staff will need to approve any and all food brought in. Our meals are delicious AND they meet your child’s daily nutritional requirement for meal and snack servings. The serving size will be suitable for the child’s age and appetite. Staff members will sit at the table with the children. This is to help encourage manners, healthy eating habits and to supervise the safety of children. All food will be prepared by the school cook and approved by the local health department. Our menus are based on a 4–week rotation and posted near the kitchen. If your child has a food allergy, please let us know so that we can take reasonable and necessary precautions in the classroom and when preparing foods in compliance with the ADA policy herein. We will work with our cook, health nurse, and your physician to ensure your child is receiving all the nutrients needed while in our care. We cannot guarantee that we are a peanut-free facility.
Community Resources
At the front desk, we have many community resources available for families. If you have a need in any area (financial, behavioral, psychological, etc….), please feel free to check with us and see what resources we may have available for you.
Rest Time
Infants will be provided with a crib that meets National Safety Standards. Parents will provide a sleep sack from home, labeled with their name, to help the infant feel close to home. Infants will form their own sleeping and waking patterns. Infants are not allowed to have a comfort “lovey” or a stuffed animal. Toddlers and preschool-aged children will have a rest or a nap on a mat/cot with a sheet and blanket. Sheets and blankets should be sent in clean each Monday morning at drop off and taken home when soiled or on the last day of attendance for the week. If a child is sent without a sheet or blanket, we will have limited supplies in stock to share until one is sent in. If older children would like a rest or need a rest, they will be provided with a nap mat, sheet and blanket. If preschool-aged children (and older) do not fall asleep after 45 minutes, they will be offered an age-appropriate quiet activity. Rest time in the school is from approximately 12:30 to 2:30 pm. We can not limit child rest schedules at parent request.
Guest Sign In Policy
State regulation requires that any person coming into the facility who is not a parent or guardian must sign our visitor sign-in book and show identification. This includes family members who we do not know. If they are picking up for you, we will require a form of identification. Former employees are discouraged from visiting because visits are disruptive and can confuse the children. The school has a variety of visitors such as vendors, students from local colleges, state and county employees, prospective family tours and other family visitors. The school reserves the right to deny access to any visitor.
Breastfeeding to Bottle and Bottle to Cup Transitioning Policy
Frozen breastmilk may be stored at the school for a time, but thawed breastmilk must go home every day. It must be labeled “breastmilk” with a red marking, and will be heated in a different crockpot. For infants who have only breastfed, the transition will be easier for your baby if you begin introducing a bottle at least two weeks before care begins. When you feel your baby is ready to begin the transition to a cup or sippy, please talk with us so that we can work together on this process. All bottles and cups must be labeled with a first and last name. We feed on demand, but appreciate any information you can provide about your child’s typical schedule at home (times, amounts and what children have been introduced to in solid food). If a child is exposed to breast milk that is not theirs, blood-born pathogen policies will be followed. We allow parents reasonable access to the classroom for nursing.
Diapering and Potty Training Policy
When your child is in diapers, you will need to provide diapers, diaper wipes, diaper rash ointment/cream and extra clothing (a form will be needed for the cream, and all clothing and containers should be labeled with rst and last name). We are cloth-diaper friendly. We will call parents to bring in diapers and wipes if your child is out. We do not have any extra on hand and we cannot borrow from other children. If supplies are not dropped off with the child, care will be suspended until we have the proper items to care for your child. When your child shows signs of being ready to begin potty training (i.e,, begins to ask questions about using the toilet and is able to dress and undress unassisted) and parents and teachers both feel the child is ready, we can begin toilet training. Typically, this happens between 2 and 3 years old. You will then need to provide underpants and plenty of extra clothes. We do not have a specic method as we believe that each child’s experience is unique. It is important for all of the child’s caregivers and families to be consistent with the toilet training. This will help the child succeed.
Smoke-Free School Environment
Children will never be exposed to secondhand smoke in the school or school vehicle. No one is to smoke or vape within 100 feet of the school. If we have a staff member who smokes, they will be asked to change clothing before entering the classroom. All toddler and infant staff will always have protective clothing (smocks) over their home clothes. We ask that parents not smoke in their vehicles in the parking lot prior to entering the building.
Suspected Child Abuse/Neglect
Our staff are trained as mandatory reporters of child abuse, neglect and maltreatment. If you suspected or know of child abuse, please report to the state of Colorado at 1-844-CO-4-KIDS (1-844-264-5437) or to the local police department.
We would appreciate it if you would bring any complaints, compliments or concerns about our services directly to us! We have a zero tolerance policy for yelling or cursing in our facility, to our staff, or in front of any students. If we are not able to communicate with the parents on a professional level, we reserve the right to ask the family to disenroll.
Complaints about a child care school may be made to the Ofce of Early Childhood, Division of Early Care and Learning Licensing at 303-866-5948, or 1575 Sherman St., Denver Colorado, 80203.
Rules and Regulations for a Large Child Care School / Inspection Reports
The ofcial Rules Regulating Large Child Cares can be obtained at the Division of Child Care 1575 Sherman St. Denver Colorado 80203, or at www.cdhs.state.so.us/childcare or http://www.sos.state.co.us/CCR
Copies of heath, re and licensing reports are available upon request at all times. Questions about rules and regulations may be directed to the school director.
Little Sprouts Learning Center Loves Referrals!
If your family refers another family, we will give you a $50 discount after the referral has attended 90 days. There is not a limit to how many discounts you can earn! Thank you for choosing our school!