Any time a child is transported from the school, parents will be asked to sign a permission slip. If we transport the children on a field trip, they will use their own booster seats, if parents request. Children must sit and will use seat belts. Before using the vehicle for the first time, children will drill evacuating in the event of an emergency. We cannot have parents drive the children in personal vehicles or ride in the van, but parents are welcome to meet us on the field trip. Staffing, including ratio, group size and qualified staff, will be maintained during field trips. Drivers are qualified according to Colorado law. On field trips, drivers do not stop to run errands or gas up unless there is an emergency. Each van has its own emergency first aid kit, and staff bring emergency binders with class rosters and emergency contact information on each field trip.
Field Trips
Field Trips Our school will occasionally take field trips. Younger children may go on walks. Older children may go on field trips to various destinations in our community. Parents may be asked to provide their child with a sack lunch and money to cover costs of the event. If you do not want your child to attend, you will need to make alternate arrangements for their care that day. If you arrive after the field trip has left the building, your child will be placed in a classroom if one is available, but if one is not available, you may have to take your child home. A signed permission slip is required for your child to attend. A permission slip will be provided for any out-of-school field trips. Any child that does not have a signed permission slip will be unable to attend. The permission slip will include: destination, time out of school, teachers and a spot to indicate if you are interested in helping.